- |#Shakespearesaysitbetter
- |#Shakespearesaysitbetter
- abuse
- achievement
- advantage/benefit
- adversity
- advice
- age/experience
- ambition
- anger
- appearance
- authority
- betrayal
- blame
- business
- caution
- cited in law
- civility
- claim
- clarity/precision
- communication
- complaint
- concern
- conflict
- conscience
- consequence
- conspiracy
- contract
- corruption
- courage
- custom
- death
- debt/obligation
- deceit
- defence
- dignity
- disappointment
- discovery
- dispute
- duty
- emotion and mood
- envy
- equality
- error
- evidence
- excess
- failure
- fashion/trends
- fate/destiny
- flattery
- flaw/fault
- foul play
- free will
- friendship
- good and bad
- grief
- guilt
- gullibility
- haste
- honesty
- honour
- hope/optimism
- identity
- imagination
- independence
- ingratitude
- innocence
- insult
- integrity
- intellect
- invented or popularised
- judgment
- justice
- justification
- language
- law/legal
- lawyers
- leadership
- learning/education
- legacy
- life
- love
- loyalty
- madness
- manipulation
- marriage
- memory
- mercy
- merit
- misc.
- misquoted
- money
- nature
- negligence
- news
- offence
- order/society
- opportunity
- patience
- perception
- persuasion
- pity
- plans/intentions
- poverty and wealth
- preparation
- pride
- promise
- proverbs and idioms
- purpose
- punishment
- reason
- regret
- relationship
- remedy
- reputation
- respect
- resolution
- revenge
- reply
- risk
- rivalry
- ruin
- satisfaction
- secrecy
- security
- skill/talent
- sorrow
- status
- still in use
- suspicion
- temptation
- time
- trust
- truth
- uncertainty
- understanding
- unity/collaboration
- value
- vanity
- virtue
- wellbeing
- wisdom
- work